School of International Studies
English-based Degree Program

English-based Degree Program

Students who are admitted to the School of International Studies (SIS) through  International Admission will be enrolled in English-based Degree Program as English-based International Students. English-based Degree Program is the program that students can the meet graduation requirement by taking only courses offered in English (except mandatory language courses).

Educational Policy in School of International Studies

Fostering students to become world citizens with multiple abilities

The general objective of the SIS is to equip students with the ability to understand and analyze issues relating to international affairs. The specific objectives for students are to provide perceptual skills in looking at the world through an interdisciplinary approach, and to encourage students to examine Japan and the world with historical and contemporary insights, using the following three approaches: cultures/languages, societies/politics and economics/management. The SIS seeks to provide an environment that fosters an international attitude and a deep understanding of the world, while training students to become world citizens with an international spirit, broad perspective, and flexibility.

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