- Academics
- Undergraduate Schools
- School of Theology

School of Theology

Undergraduate School
Fostering Society's Leaders Based on the World’s Most Widespread Religion
The two Courses in the School were established in 2004. With the aim of training missionaries with a wide range of specialized knowledge, we supplemented the Christian Missionary Work Course with the Christian Thought and Culture Course, which is open to students not baptized as Christians. Against a background of the history of Western thought, the courses take an objective, theoretical approach to Christianity, which has exerted a major influence on world events. By looking at modern-day issues like peace, human rights, social welfare, and the environment from a theological viewpoint, we aim to provide students with the spiritual and practical tools for serving society. As the oldest School at Kwansei Gakuin University, the two courses aim to provide students with a wide range of specialized theological knowledge by taking an objective and theoretical approach to Christianity, set against the backdrop of the history of Western thought.
・Understanding Christianity from four areas
・Learning from leading theological researchers
・Studying theology as an academic discipline in small classes
・Cultivating the basic academic skills necessary for a Christianity-based global society
・A well-developed scholarship system
Graduate School
Turning Out Theologians who can Contribute to Society and Christianity
The Graduate School of Theology trains participants to be clergy, missionaries, religious and bible instructors. An integrated six-year program continues from the undergraduate to the Masters level. Besides advanced scholastic guidance, we have a curriculum to meet the needs of the increasing number of people who wish to study while in employment. Starting from the Old and New Testaments, Christian history, lectures and practice in thought and culture, and practicum in churches and hospitals, we give our students the tools for contributing to society as Christians. In addition, at the Doctoral level we focus on providing students with help in their dissertations by promoting presentations at academic conferences and facilitating information exchange with other universities and research institutes. Our goal is to turn out graduates with a well-rounded education and in-depth specialized knowledge.
Features of the Graduate School
・Acquiring more extensive knowledge in theology, and engaging in contemplation based on wide-ranging knowledge
・Developing deep insight in a pluralistic society, and contributing to the discovery and solution of world issues
・Improving the ability to freely use classical and foreign languages to conduct advanced theological research
・Acquiring the ability to be a expert researcher and the writing skills necessary for disseminating research results