- School of International Studies
- Student Message

Student Message
Interviews with SIS Students
Our Choice, Our Life
Voice of Graduates (class of 2014)
Bruce Au
Voice of Graduates (class of 2015)
Michael Walker
Student in the School of International Studies, Class of 2024
I currently belong to an NGO that works to guarantee the rights of refugees and foreign workers, and I am able to use my knowledge in the actual activities because I had these opportunities where I was able to learn in system about immigration-related laws and history, such as Japan's Immigration Control Act, in classes offered in SIS (e.g. International Migration Theory). In the critical thinking course, I learnt that logical and critical thinking skills should not be used to 'put people down'. I believe that developing logical thinking skills for constructive dialogue is an important aspect of any career. In the SIS, you are not bound by specialization, either in a good or bad way, so you can learn about a wide variety of studies. When I entered KGU, I was interested in development-related fields, but gradually I became more interested in gender issues and sociology in Japan. I think this is a unique feature of the SIS, where I was able to broaden my interests by not being enrolled in a specific major from the start, and I was able to choose the studies that interested me at every stage.
In addition, in the SIS, I had many opportunities to partake in small-group discussions and debates in my English classes, so I was able to speak up without fear when interacting with bureaucrats and youth representatives from other countries at the UN, and also in discussions in my classes at study abroad*. The professors in the SIS are also very kind and helpful on a one-to-one basis outside of class, such as during office hours. Because I was accustomed to such an environment, I was able to actively utilize the office hours in my study abroad destination and spend meaningful time, and as a result, I was given an opportunity to work as a research assistant under the professor, and was introduced to internships at companies related to gender and immigration policy.
*Yuki participated in a student exchange program at the University of British Columbia, Canada, for approximately one year from fall semester of her second year.
I have had a lot of strange connections, like the time I sat next to someone on a flight from Canada to Tokyo and became friends with later turned out that they lived just two stops from my nearest train station, and I ended up working for them for the summer holidays, or when I was looking for a homestay on social media while studying abroad, the person who happened to approach me later turned out to be an acquaintance of the president of my internship company. These experiences made me believe that valuing encounters and conversations on a daily basis leads to a better life.
A couple of months after entering the university, I sometimes felt somewhat depressed due to long hours of computer work and a large amount of assignments from the classes that were online because of the pandemic, and I did not realize how stressed I was. I would like to tell everyone not to work too hard. You don't have to do anything until your heart is worn down, because your physical and mental health comes first. It's great to work as hard as you can, but if your mind starts to feel stressed, I want you to relax and take a break.
After completing my study at SIS, I aim to go on to graduate school in the UK. I would like to continue the research I am currently undertaking for my graduation thesis (a gender perspective on migrant domestic workers' community building and protest movements) in graduate school. I would also like to make a sustainable contribution to creating a place for children with developmental disorders, so I hope to be able to work both as a researcher and social worker at the same time.

Grace, Wenhsin TSAI
Graduate of the School of International Studies
from Saint Paul Lutheran High School, the United States
I choose to study in Kwansei Gakuin University, not only because KGU offers various great programs, but also it fits my career goals. School of International Studies (SIS) has courses with different areas or fields of studies, such as Linguistic, Economics, and Politics. Students can choose and modify their courses based on their own interests. I am really interested about Economics and Business, however, at the same time, I can also study about other subjects, such as International Relations, in SIS. It was also great to study in this diverse environment with beautiful campus. KGU has many events for students to interact with each other, such as coffee hour or social gathering. In this diverse environment, I learned not only the school subjects, but also other student's cultures and experiences. Moreover, School of International Studies offers classes in English, however, it also requires students to take Japanese language classes. Under this system, I can study to improve both my English and Japanese proficiency. School of International Studies be established for a long time, however, it has many good facilities, various courses, excellent professors. The professors are always available for students. On the other side, KGU provides many great programs, such as exchange program or UN volunteer program, in order to help students become World Citizens.
My life at KGU is great. Even though most of the courses I took were taught in English, I still have many chances to meet Japanese students and work with them. Students are very positive and eager to learn in the class. Many good facilities are easy to use, such as lounge. Students can gather in the lounge for study, relaxing, and playing. Moreover, there are plenty choices of club activity, which students can feel free to join. Libraries are also one of the places I loved in KGU. It is beautiful with plenty resources for students to use for either class materials or own study. The online databases for researches are also enough for students to use. Classes conducted in small size let me be able to have more interactions with other classmates and professors. Honestly, many of my friends feel wonderful to study at KGU as well. We all have a good time in the study environment KGU provides us.
I planned to work in an International company or corporation in Japan after graduated from KGU. The diverse environment in KGU will help me better understand one's culture in my chosen workplace. Moreover, the programs I wish to join in KGU can greatly help me to obtain the skills for my future career. University is the last step to prepare for future career. I appreciate the chances and opportunities that KGU provides me for me to prepare and plan my future.

Graduate of the School of International Studies from Ambition Academy, Federal Democratic Republic of Nepal
Studying in Kwansei Gakuin University (KGU) has made me more enthusiastic about my studies. I feel wonderful and honoured at the same time as getting a chance to be indulged in a multicultural International environment where I found myself exploring and propelling forward towards my goals. The university, with the perfect location near the biggest city: Osaka, not only has a sound educational environment but also there are large selections of studies, good lectures, an excellent social life and luxurious facilities.
I am enjoying my life at KGU. We have variety of interesting subjects, teachers are good and helpful, students from different nations having fun together, different events, cross cultural programs and so on. As I am interested in Asian economics and studies,
I would like to learn more about International relations. In the future I would like to work and live in Japan where I can use my skills and experiences that I learn from KGU.
I would not have received such an opportunity if I were in Nepal. I am honoured to have a chance to be a potential representative of my country. I am looking forward to enjoying my studies at KGU in the future. If you are planning for studying abroad and living in different culture, then your search is over. There is no doubt that KGU will be your best option.

Lang Huai KIM
Graduate of the School of International Studies,
From Practicing School Yangon Institute of Education (TTC),
the Republic of the Union of Myanmar
My interest is to address and work for solutions to problems facing around the world, such as economic, politic, human rights situations and environmental hazard. In order to pursue my interest into a future career, I want to gain more understanding in world politics, foreign affairs, and international security. Under the School of International Studies (SIS) of KGU, I have an opportunity to demonstrate my curiosity about global affairs starting from a country to the international organizations. It is always the right decision to belong to KGU in achieving ability and skills day by days.
"Growing is blessing and happiness" since I am in the process of growing, there is no doubt about the happiness I have right now in my campus life. Not only the courses I am taking in SIS supports my interest, but also from the instructors, friends from all over the world, and people from KGU, I learn a lot of things that I will cherish for the rest of my life. KGU is putting a lot of efforts in encouraging students to become a "Global Citizen". Under SIS, I see myself becoming one by understanding peace and war, causes and solutions, history, languages, cultures, and different values and dignity that people have in their life. By connecting, interacting, and building a strong relationship (with mutual respect and understanding) with leaders and innovators of the future history from different parts of the world, I believe I am fulfilling KGU's hope of seeing me as a global citizen.
"How do you see yourself in the future?" Although I do not have the exact answer of what, who and where I am going to be in my future, one thing I am sure is I will keep growing the KGU's spirit of "Mastery for Service" inside me. I am seeing myself, using all of the skills and ability I gain from SIS, KGU in serving the best for people, peace for the world, and glory of Almighty God.

Graduate of the School of International Studies,
From St.Augustine's College Wakiso, Republic of Uganda
I chose Kwansei Gakuin because it was one of the few universities in Japan with a new department of international studies(SIS) that had English courses in line with my field of interest, from which I had hoped to utilise all the hidden opportunities in me and also study the diversified environment, to become a global citizen. The fact that I had some Ugandan seniors already at this department whose stay at the university had greatly changed them into strong, admirable world leaders. I always felt so proud of what kind of people they had become after joining K G U, therefore joining this school was a dream come true.
Since I joined KGU, I have had an amazing experience. I have been impressed with how students learn from the caring professors who give opportunity to every student at anytime in such a beautiful natural environment. I am now enrolled in two multicultural clubs from which I am able to improve my Japanese Language through talking to Japanese friends, and also deepen my knowledge about the world. I have been inspired by the community at this school which is always eager to learn from my culture. This makes me happy because I also get to learn from them. More to that, there has been an open opportunity for me to challenge new things in my life which I am so happy about.
From the education I attain at Kwansei Gakuin university, I have come to appreciate many cultures, most especially the Japanese culture, through the language and art. I therefore would like to use this experience to make a big difference to my country as I work with cultural developmental projects with the connections I have got while at KGU.

Bernadette LOW
Graduate of the School of International Studies,
From Victoria Junior College, Republic of Singapore
I wanted to study overseas in Japan because of my interest in Japanese culture, and because of Japan's importance and standing globally. I felt that learning in another country would also challenge myself and I could learn more than if I stayed in Singapore. KGU's ideals of working toward being a global citizen fit the objectives I wanted, and when the opportunity presented itself, I decided to go for it and enter KGU.
Campus life in KGU has been nothing but enriching. The Campus itself is beautiful and many a day has been spent enjoying nature in the peaceful greenery. I've also been able to meet wonderful people from all over the world and had some great experiences that were both fun beyond imagining but also educating. Thanks to the variety of people in classes, and professors with diverse educational backgrounds I've grown to have a more global perspective on issues and expanded knowledge.
In future, I definitely want to put all that I've learnt to good use, and create a stronger link between my country, Singapore, and Japan, the country in which I've made for myself a second home. I believe that as technological advances continue to bring countries closer and more interconnected, there will be an increased need to foster stronger culturalties as the influence of soft power grows. I hope to be involved in a field where I work towards building or strengthening the bridge between Japan, Singapore and the region, and contribute globally to the best of my ability.