- School of International Studies
- Academic Life
- University-wide Course

University-wide Course
Information on University-wide courses and certificate/qualification courses
University-wide courses are provided by offices and centers within the university other than schools, and are open to students of any school. These courses are categorized into the following:
【Students enrolled in and before 2012】
・Language Education Courses
・Specialized Language Courses
・Sports and Health Science Courses
・Information Science Courses
・Interdisciplinary and Collaborative Courses:
Interdisciplinary courses, United Nations Courses, International Courses, Life Design Courses, Collaborative Courses, Extension Courses
・Courses related to certifications:
Certifications for teaching, school librarian, museum curator, and community education supervisor
【Students enrolled in 2013】
・Language Education Courses
・Sports and Health Science Courses
・Information Science Courses
・Global Studies Courses
・Life Design Courses
・Foundation and Interdisciplinary Courses
・Courses related to certifications
Certifications for teaching, school librarian, museum curator, and community education supervisor
【Students enrolled in and after 2014】
・Language Education Courses
・Sports and Health Science Courses
・Information Science Courses
・Global Studies Courses
・Life Design Courses
・Foundation and Interdisciplinary Courses
・Courses related to certifications:
Certifications for teaching, school librarian and museum curator