- Campus Life
- Accommodations
- Dormitory Application for International Students (Undergraduate)

Dormitory Application
for International Students
Dormitory Application
Dormitories for male students and for female students
Dormitories for male students and for female students
*Japanese to some extent is required.
*Cannot apply to International Residences from this page.
International Residences
International Residence V
Submission period for dormitory application: February 15, 2025 (Sat) 13:00 - February 22, 2025 (Sat) 13:00
Application for KGU International Residences
KGU affiliated dormitories
Global House Nigawa
*Directly apply to the management company, Kyoritsu Maintenance Co., Ltd.
Applicable dormitories list
Dormitories for males (Only upcoming freshmen are eligible to apply)
Dormitories for females (Only upcoming freshmen are eligible to apply)
KGU affiliated dormitories (All upcoming students and enrolled students are eligible and able to apply anytime.)
Global House Nigawa
*Directly apply to the management company, Kyoritsu Maintenance Co., Ltd.
Contact information: Residence Center : dormitory@kwansei.ac.jp
Dormitory Application
International Residence
Please contact Residence Center if you have any questions or concerns.
KGU affiliated dormitories
Global House Nigawa
*Directly apply to the management company, Kyoritsu Maintenance Co., Ltd.
Applicable dormitories list
International residence (All upcoming students and enrolled students are eligible)
KGU affiliated dormitories (All upcoming students and enrolled students are eligible and able to apply anytime.)
Global House Nigawa
*Directly apply to the management company, Kyoritsu Maintenance Co., Ltd.