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- A Forum on Reconstruction and Disaster Mitigation: "With COVID and Disaster - Creating a New Normal"

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A Forum on Reconstruction and Disaster Mitigation: "With COVID and Disaster - Creating a New Normal"

The 2021 Forum on Recovery and Disaster Mitigation was held on January 9 and 10 at the Kwansei Gakuin Hall on the Nishinomiya-Uegahara Campus, to share people’s experiences from past disaster areas, such as earthquakes and floods, and the wisdom gained from them. The forum is conducted annually by the Institute of Disaster Area Revitalization, Regrowth and Governance. This year's main theme was "With COVID and Disaster - How to Create a New Normal," as the spread of COVID-19 has not abated. A roundtable discussion was held on the 9th, followed by a keynote speech and panel discussion on the 10th. Some of the speakers and lecturers joined the forum online, and a total of about 250 people (including Zoom listeners) listened to the forum over two days.