Regarding KGU's Self-Assessment,
Certified Evaluations and Accreditation

Certified Evaluation and Accreditation AY2020(Third time)

On March 12, 2021, Kwansei Gakuin University was accredited as “satisfying the standards of Japan University Accreditation Association (JUAA)” through the mutual evaluation and the accreditation that the university underwent in the academic year of 2020. The accreditation is valid until March 31, 2028.

Certified Evaluation and Accreditation AY2013(Second time)

On March 11, 2014, Kwansei Gakuin University was accredited as “meeting the standards of Japan University Accreditation Association (JUAA)” through the mutual evaluation and the accreditation that the university underwent in the academic year of 2013. The accreditation is valid until March 31, 2021.

Kwansei Gakuin University AY2012 Self-Assessment Report

Accreditation Results for Kwansei Gakuin University  (Japanese only)

About the Results of Accreditation by the Japan University Accreditation Association  (Japanese only)

Certified Evaluation and Accreditation AY 2006(First time)

On March 13, 2007, Kwansei Gakuin University was accredited as “meeting the standards of Japan University Accreditation Association (JUAA)” through the mutual evaluation and the accreditation that the university underwent in the academic year of 2006. The accreditation is valid until March 31, 2014.

■Accreditation Result  (Japanese only)
■About the Result of Accreditation (Chairman of the Evaluation Promotion Committee)  (Japanese only)

■Improvement Report

Kwansei Gakuin University submitted the Improvement Report concerning eight items of advice that the university received in the Accreditation in the academic year of 2006, to JUAA in July 2010. This report was examined by JUAA and the results were announced in March 2011.

Kwansei Gakuin University Improvement Report (submitted in July 2010)  (Japanese only)

Result of Evaluation on Improvement Report (March 2011)  (Japanese only)

Kwansei Gakuin University’s Self-Assessment System

Kwansei Gakuin University undergoes self-assessment every year in addition to accreditation.

■Kwansei Gakuin Self-Assessment Standards  (Japanese only)

AY 2008 Self-Assessment

Kwansei Gakuin University started conducting self-assessment in the academic year of 2008 in June on a university-wide basis and prepared a Progress Report, focusing on whether the university implemented specific measures to address problems identified in the self-assessment in the academic year of 2005, whether the problems pointed out in the accreditation were improved and whether the problems pointed out in the self-assessment in the academic year of 2007 and issues found by an in-house independent committee, were dealt with. According to this Progress Report, the Evaluation Promotion Committee composed of 13 members including four external members started an in-house independent evaluation and exchanged opinions with schools and departments from July. The Progress Report and the details about this in-house independent evaluation were released on November 4.
For details of results of the evaluation, refer to the List of Self-Assessment Reports and Accreditation Results (2003-2008).

How to read an self-assessment report  (Japanese only)

AY 2009 Self-Assessment

In the 2009 academic year, the University redefined goals.

AY 2010 Self-Assessment

Kwansei Gakuin University conducted self-assessment employing in-house independent evaluation for the academic year of 2010, the intermediate year of the accreditation period, in the same manner of self-assessment conducted in the academic year of 2008, based on the goals and indicators set in the academic year of 2009.
The targeting period of this inspection and evaluation was one year from May 1, 2009 to April 30, 2010.
In accordance with changes in JUAA’s evaluation items, Kwansei Gakuin University’s evaluation was conducted on 15 items including 10 items conforming to JUAA’s new evaluation items and 5 university-original items. (Evaluation on professional graduate schools was conducted on items conforming to those of accreditation agencies of each specialized field.)
For results of the evaluation, refer to the “List of Self-Assessment Reports (2009-)”

The Center for Research into and Promotion of Higher Education established in the School of International Studies in April 2010 set its goals.

Part of the goals and indicators set in the academic year of 2009 was revised.

AY 2011 Self-Assessment

Kwansei Gakuin University conducted self-assessment employing in-house independent evaluation for the academic year of 2011, the intermediate year of the accreditation period, in the same manner of self-assessment conducted in the academic year of 2010, based on the goals and indicators redefined in the academic year of 2009.
The targeting period of this inspection/evaluation was one year from May 1, 2010 to April 30, 2011.
For details of the result of the evaluation, refer to the “List of Self-Assessment Reports (2009-).”

The Student Support Center and the Center for Japanese Language Education that were established in April 2011 set their goals.

Part of the goals and indicators set in the academic year of 2009 was revised

AY 2012 Self-Assessment

In the academic year of 2012, we conducted self-assessment and prepared our reports in a manner responding to the accreditation in 2013. Self-Assessment and evaluation report submit to JUAA, see“Certified Evaluation and Accreditation” above.

We also conducted self-assessment on the degree in which the goals redefined in the academic year of 2009 had been achieved.
The targeting period of this inspection/evaluation was one year from May 1, 2011 to April 30, 2012.
For details of results of the evaluation, refer to the “List of Self-Assessment Reports (2009-).”

The Student Support Center and the Center for Japanese Language Education that were established in April 2011 set their goals.

AY 2013 Self-Assesment

In the academic year of 2013, Kwansei Gakuin University underwent the second accreditation by JUAA.

We also conducted self-assesment on the degree in which the goal redefined in the academic year of 2009 had achieved.
The targeting period of this inspection/evaluation was one year from May 1,2012 to April 30, 2013.
For detail of results of the evaluation, refer to the “List of Self-Assesment Reports(2009-)”.

AY 2014 Self-Assessment

In the academic year of 2014,Kwansei Gakuin University conducted self-assessment on the degree in which the goal redefined in the academic year of 2009 had achieved.

We also conducted independent evaluation by evaluation expert committee.
For detail of results of the evaluation,refer to the “List t of Self-assessment Reports(2009)”.

AY 2015 Self-Assessment

In our AY2015 self-assessment, with the completion of our five-year efforts to achieve the goals set in AY2009, we formulated our vision (goals) and action plan for AY2016-2021.
For details of results of AY2015 self-assessment and third-party evaluation by the evaluation committee, refer to the “Self-Assessment Report”.

AY 2016 Self-Assessment

In our AY2016 self-assessment, we evaluated the achievement status of the vision (goals) and action plan formulated in our AY2015.
For details of results of AY2016 self-assessment and third-party evaluation by the evaluation committee, refer to the “Self-Assessment Report”.

AY 2017 Self-Assessment

In our AY2017 self-assessment, continue to our AY2016, we evaluated the achievement status of the vision (goals) and action plan formulated in our AY2015.
For details of results of AY2017 self-assessment and third-party evaluation by the evaluation committee, refer to the “Self-Assessment Report”.

AY 2018 Self-Assessment

KGU will integrated two PDCA cycles, the Medium-term Plan and the KGU Self-Assessment, into the PDCA cycle of the Medium-term Comprehensive Management Plan from 2019 onwards. In response to this, in our AY2018 self-assessment, KGU administration, including the University’s organizations and centers, and Schools and Graduate Schools implemented the following activities.

≪KGU administration≫
They did not carry out the conventional self-assessment. Instead, they developed a university-wide implementation plan for the Medium-term Comprehensive Management Plan.

≪Schools and Graduate Schools≫
They aimed to derive challenges faced by each of them, in addition to reviewing the appropriateness of the policies, etc. and evaluating the progress toward realizing the goals.

For details of results of AY2018 self-assessment, refer to the “Self-Assessment Report”.

AY 2019 Self-Assessment

KGU integrated the two major PDCA cycles of mid-term planning and university self-assessment (and school evaluation for K-12 school), and formulated Medium-term comprehensive management plan that incorporates plans for management resources such as finance, personnel, and construction, in order to achieve efficient and effective management. From AY2019, we are working to guarantee and improve the quality of education and research by conducting self-assessment of this Medium-term comprehensive management plan.

Kwansei Grand Challenge 2039 & Medium-term comprehensive management plan